Ford Corporate Sustainability
Our goal is to help build a better world, where every person is free to move and pursue their dreams. See details of how we aim to do this below.
Better Business
Targeting Carbon Neutrality in Europe by 2035
Across our European footprint of manufacturing facilities, logistics and direct suppliers.
Carbon-Free Electricity
Committed to source 100% carbon-free electricity for global operations by 2035. 100% purchased renewable electricity is sourced at our Ford manufacturing sites in Europe.
Eliminate Single Use Plastic
We are aiming to eliminate single use plastic in our operations by 2030.
Zero Waste to Landfill
In 2016 we achieved zero waste to landfill across all our EU plants. We have achieved 84 sites globally.
Zero Freshwater Withdrawals
Since 2000 we have reduced the amount of freshwater we use by 76.2%. We are targeting zero freshwater withdrawals for manufacturing and use freshwater only for human consumption.
Sustainable Development Goals
Since 2026 Ford has been a signatory of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We were also the first US Automaker to sign up to the Paris Climate agreement.
Cologne Electric Vehicle Centre
In June 2023, the Cologne Electric Vehicle Centre opened to build Ford's new generation of European electric passenger vehicles. This is Ford's first carbon neutral vehicle assembly plant globally.
Global Investment
Around the world, we are investing more than $50 billion from 2022 through 2026 in electric vehicles and batteries.
Better Products
With our EV Products we are Making Electric Iconic
We'll only offer all-electric vehicles from 2035.
EU Commission
We stand with the EU Commission in its goal to ensure all new cars and vans in Europe are zero emission from 2035.
Road to EV
We will have a line-up of nine passenger and commercial vehicles built in Europe by 2026.
By 2025, we aim to use 20% recycled and renewable plastics in new vehicle designs for Europe. We plan to utilise only recycled or renewable content in vehicle plastics globally by 2035.
More than 85% of vehicle parts and materials are recycled and reused at their end of life.
We offer easily accessible European wide charging solutions through our BlueOval™ Charging Network (over 800,000 charge points) and IONITY's high-power charging network.
Better Together
Human Rights
In 2022, Ford was ranked number one in the World Benchmarking Alliance's Corporate Human Rights Benchmark automotive sector. Launching Pilot Project in the Democratic Republic of Congo, helping women build businesses in the cobalt supply chain, while addressing the root causes of poverty and child labour.
Ford Fund
The Ford Fund invests globally in programs that support education, promote safe driving, enrich community life and encourage employee volunteering. In 2022, Ford and ford Fund invested more than $64.3 million in charitable contributions to help strengthen communities and support on the Road to Better.
Supply Chain
Initiated supply chain mapping and auditing in 2021 to understand the sources of the cobalt, nickel and lithium used in our EVs. We recognise that some of the EV components include minerals with inherent risk due to extraction processes and country locations. We are supporting our suppliers, ensuring they set and meet science-based targets to reduce their carbon footprint.
Park the Car
Driving responsibly is no longer just about safety. It's also about caring for our environment and our health - and walking or cycling once a day, active travel, can bring about significant change. For short journeys, Park the Car.
Human Rights
Ford is committed to respecting human rights, including the right to clean air and clean water. across our entire business.
Paris Agreement
One of the first U.S. automakers to align with the international community to limit the impacts of global warming as part of the Paris Agreement. Ford's goals are backed by science-based targets we'll achieve by 2035.
Joined a global coalition to curb global warming by working toward making sales of all new cars and vans zero-emissions by 2040 globally, and no later than 2035 in leading markets.
First Movers Coalition
Joined the First Movers Coalition, a global initiative led by the World Economic Forum and the U.S. Government, to harness purchasing power and supply chains to create early markets for innovative clean energy technologies. For its part, Ford is committing to purchase at least 10% near-zero carbon steel and aluminium by 2030.
Our public reporting has been an important part of our commitment to transparency and has helped to drive progress in our company and across the industry. For further information please access our Corporate Sustainability Report.